This Italian harpsichord
has been one of the most popular models to date. It is the perfect solution
in serving both as a fine continuo harpsichord, as well as a for playing
a wide repertoire of European harpsichord and organ music of the 16th,
17th and 18th Centuries.
It is a delight
to play, very response to dynamics and nuance. Stop levers are provided
on the wrestplank to use the 8' stops individually. Two eight foot stops
nearly doubles the volume.
The range has been
carefully extended from the original's range of C/E to c3 to GG/BB to
d3, with an added d3 for A440. A460 (Chor Ton) also available.
Length: 80.5" (2.05m), Width: 32.5 " (.825m) Height: 7" (.177m) Poplar
case (Integral case), interior lined with fir or cypress
