Byron J. Will Harpsichord Maker
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Marbling Flemish Cases




The most important factor in making faux marbling convincing is studying existing marble, and using it as a model for your work. Get out and take some pictures of marble you like, and even purchase a few pieces. A good source is marble and tile shops.

So, let's get started.

After applying three or more coats of oil base paint (sanding in between coats), the final coat is wet sanded with 400 sand paper. (Ruckers didn't bother with all this, but it makes for a much more convincing faux marble effect).

The marbled area is masked off, and a thinned down mixture of the paint is applied to the surface.





Black, White and Yellow Ocher Japan Color is also mixed with thinner, and then applied with a turkey feather (from my Uncle's farm in Wisconsin). It is important to apply this in small quantities, and it's easy to get too much color on the surface.

Notice that the lid flap is blocked on one side to encourage the wet paint to move and blend.

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